People Becoming Mental Health First Aiders has increased by 1 million
The National Council of Mental Wellbeing shared some outstanding news today! People becoming Mental Health First Aiders has increased to 4 million! This achievement reflects the collective dedication and commitment of everyone in our community to prioritizing mental wellbeing. Together, we have built a powerful network of individuals equipped to provide support, understanding, and compassion to those in need. Thank you for your passion and dedication.
Satori Communications Group is PROUD to be a part if this network as we have helped over
- 500 students
in the past five years become Mental Health First Aiders!!
A BIG THANK YOU to our many students/participants the past 5 years who have participated with Satori Communications Certified Instructors from:
- Dartmouth College, Geisel School of Medicine, and The Tuck School of Business.
- Portsmouth/Dover Careers in Education Programs,
- Concord High School Careers in Education Program,
- Riverbend Community Mental Health new staff members,
- The Center for Health Promotion members and attendees,
- The Congregational Church of Laconia staff, church members and members of the public,
- Concord, NH Municipal staff.

“I am so happy that becoming a Mental Health First Aider has become more accessible than ever before! My motivation behind getting this certification was so I could have more solutions and resources at the tip of my fingers when I am confronted with someone who may be experiencing a mental health crisis or simply in need of some mental health guidance and resources. In my youth I struggled heavily with mental health challenges and those who understood the trauma I was healing through were few and far between. It also felt very isolating as many people do not share their personal experiences with mental health, so it is quite easy to feel like you are the only one. This certification has made me feel more confident in having the ability to give others the support they need and deserve.” — Kiara Grace Nalle, Adult MHFA